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Trench Struts

Also known as trench props, designed for use where a timber waler is being used

  • Curled corners to grip timbers
  • Open sizes of up to 1.67m
  • Competitive rates
  • Nationwide delivery


Our trench struts, sometimes referred to as trench props are used to maximise safety and prevent trench walls from collapsing and injuring ground workers and other members of your team.

Designed for use in trenching where a timber waler is being used, the struts have turned over corner ends for gripping on to trenching timbers.

The trench struts are are available in a range of sizes, with open heights ranging from 0.475m – 1.676m. The adjustable design makes the trench struts versatile enough to suit most requirements.

Made to British standards for added peace of mind.

Contact Us for Up-To-Date Pricing

If our trench struts could benefit your next project, contact our nearest depot or call us on 0117 982 8236 for more information and up to date pricing.

Trench Strut Dimensions and Limits

SizeHeight ClosedHeight OpenWeightPermissible Load
Strut Size 00.3050.475530
Strut Size 10.4750.6866.630
Strut Size 20.6861.0928.730
Strut Size 31.0161.67611.830

Questions? Talk to SEL about Trench Struts

Our team is responsive, experienced and happy to help.

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